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Welcome to our EroAwardShop store!

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If you like what we offer to the world & industry, with donations or sponsorships, you can help us to offer even more.

Join EroAwardShop as Star, Fan or Promoter!

Don't forget to vote daily!

1,00 €

Organising an award costs A LOT of money, promotion, time, partnerships, sleepless nights, efforts, workers, etc. You can't be "the best award, the most famous, glamorous, the most blah-blah" if you can't afford to invest serious financial resources, at least not on the long term.

1,00 €

Our Sponsorships offer real...bizibility! There are only 4 awards who have MILLIONS of views & votes, and EroAward is one of them!

Gala Entry
Gala Entry
1,00 €

The entry fee at EroAward Gala & CamSum:
- 80 € (20% discount from 100) for Professionals (stars / content creators, models, webmasters, bloggers, promoters, etc) and fans.
- 800 € (20% discount from 1000) for Companies/participant. The companies can bring only business cards. Those interested in offering promotional materials at our events, please check our sponsorships offer.
The dressing code at Gala is elegant.

14% commission
14% commission
1,00 €

(Only for Content Creators from EroShop - )